At St Alphonsusโ Catholic Primary School we plan learning and teaching with a view to enabling each child to achieve their full potential and seek the highest level of personal achievement.ย ย
Our Modern Foreign Languages Vision
At St. Alphonsusโ, we understand that learning languages provides valuable, educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. It will also create potential opportunities in the future for studying and working abroad.ย
Our MFL Intent – Why do we teach MFL the way we do, and how does it meet the needs of our pupils?
High Five
- Pupils will be positive and curious about French.ย
- Pupils will be challenged in lessons in order to increase the proportion of pupils working at the higher standard in French.
- Pupils will be taught French in a way that ensures progression of skills and follows a sequence to build on previous learning.ย
- Pupils will gain experience and skills in different areas of French which enhances their learning, enabling them to use French creatively for a range of purposes.ย
- Pupils will use Primary French confidently for different purposes and to prepare them for academic success at KS3 and beyond.
Implementation of our MFL Curriculum – What do we teach? What does it look like?
- At St Alphonsusโ we have begun to implement the CUSP Curriculum for French. The CUSP curriculum has a strong focus on supporting pupils to meaningfully develop their understanding of other cultures and issues that impact on the wider global community.
What French looks like in KS2:
- Using CUSP, we follow a broad and balanced French curriculum that builds on previous learning and provides both support and challenge for learners.ย
- There is a significant focus on revisiting throughout the curriculum with the aim of pupils mastering key knowledge that can be built on as they move through the programme of study.ย
Impact of our MFL Curriculum – What will be the outcomes we hope to achieve as a result of our MFL curriculum?
Pupils enjoy and value French and know why they are doing things, not just how. They will understand and appreciate the value of French in the context of their personal well being and their many career opportunities.ย
Progress in French is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising childrenโs work, through:ย
- Looking at pupilsโ work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge.
- Observing how they perform in lessons.
- Talking to them about what they know.ย
- Vocabulary acquisitionย
- Varied oracy opportunities, including engagement in conversationย
- Phonics and accurate pronunciationย
- Grammatical knowledgeย
- Reading and listening for meaning
- Sentence composition
- Simple writing tasks
The French curriculum will contribute to childrenโs personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. This would be seen in them being able to talk confidently about their work, and sharing their work with others. Progress will be shown through outcomes and through the important record of the process leading to them.
Useful Information