
At St Alphonsus’ we place Christ at the centre of everything we do and therefore Collective Worship is crucial in developing a way for children to develop a relationship with Christ and to come to know him better.


Canon Stephen Maughan, our parish priest, welcomes us to join Thursday parish mass at 10:00am in St Alphonsus’ Church, Kings Road. The whole school also celebrates mass in church on holydays of obligation and other special occasions throughout the year. The children journeying towards First Holy Communion join with pupils from St Pius X School at weekend masses several times throughout the school year. All staff are committed to encouraging and supporting our children to play a full and active role in the parish community.

Collective Worship and Assemblies

Whole School Collective Worship

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Every Friday, classes take it in turns to prepare and lead whole school Liturgy. The theme of this assembly is linked to the churches liturgical year so that all members of the school community have an understanding of the readings, colours and Gospel messages we listen to and see during weekend masses. Children also receive a linked activity to share with family members at home.

Key Stage Worship

The Head Teacher leads Key Stage assemblies every Tuesday and Thursday which are based on a range of themes including links with the time of year, celebrations, messages and British Values.

Class Worship

Teachers in school seek to empower children through daily class worship. They lead and model good practice and also give them the opportunity to participate, take ownership of their learning and develop their own relationship with God. Teachers aim to give children a real voice in planning, leading and evaluating worship. In a Christian sense it is important for us all to look to children as having an important role to play in leading the faith community; Jesus welcomed children and used them as models of faith for his followers and so should we.

The Rosary

During the month of October pupils have the opportunity to pray the Rosary which is led by Mrs Smith, our RE Subject Leader.