Welcome to Key Stage 1. 

Below you will find information relating to learning taking place in Year 1 and 2.

Year 1

Below you will find an overview of the learning which will take place across the academic year.

All topics will be covered across the year. However, any changes which occur will be outlined in your half term newsletter.

Each half term your child will receive a homework grid which is to be completed as a family. All homework grids must be completed and returned to school by the end of each half term.

If you have any questions regarding homework or reading, please do not hesitate to speak to the class teacher or a member of staff.


Year 2 

Below you will find an overview of the learning that will take place across the academic year.

All topics will be covered across the year. However, any changes which occur will be outlined in your half term newsletter.

Each half term your child will receive a homework grid which is to be completed as a family. All homework grids must be completed and returned to school by the end of each half term.

If you have any questions regarding homework or reading, then please do not hesitate to speak to the class teacher or a member of staff.