At St Alphonsusโ Catholic Primary School we plan learning and teaching with a view to enabling each child toย achieve their full potential and seek the highest level of personal achievement.
The learning journey for each year group at St Alphonsus’ has been split up into the three main strands from the National Curriculum and uses the online computing lessons from
Our Computing Intent
The intent of the St Alphonsus’ computing curriculum using iLearn2 is to help pupils become independent, creative, safe, respectful and problem-solving digital citizens with a broad and transferrable skillset. Using the wide range of resources from the iLearn2 website, computing is made fun for pupils, inspiring them to develop skills beyond the classroom and building an awareness of all the opportunities the subject provides.
This long-term plan outlines how the activities meet the expectations of the national curriculum programmes of study for Key Stages 1 and 2 and it ensures pupils learn computing skills from the three recognised aspects of computing (Computer Science,
Digital Literacy and Information Technology) within each year. This means that pupils will build upon skills and concepts they established from the previous year and develop them further in the current and subsequent year.
The three aspects are (as explained by iLearn2):
โข Computer Science โ this covers programming (both block-based and text-based), including computational thinking using web-based software such as Scratch. Pupils across Key Stages 1 and 2 write code to program physical and on-screen objects, interactive games and use text-based language, such as HTML and Python by the end of Key Stage 2.
โข Information Technology โ this covers the use of applications to create digital content, including document creation and editing, video making, digital art, graphic design, animation,ย 3D modelling and website building.
โข Digital Literacy โ covers skills to find, evaluate, utilise and share using technologies and the Internet. This includes important e-safety and internet research skills, as well as an understanding of computer networks in Key Stage 2.
Online safety is a consistent feature of our curriculum and its delivery is adapted to the needs of the year group and their current usage online, ensuring that children feel confident when using computers and the Internet and know what to do if they come across something inappropriate which may make them feel uncomfortable. The teaching of online safety in the classroom is supplemented by information to parents via social media.
Implementation of our Computing Curriculum
We follow the iLearn2 activity packs with step-by-step, easy to follow video tutorials and challenges for both teachers and pupils to access.
โข Pupils learn computing skills at their own pace, developing independent learning skills with opportunities to continually review and revisit the skills covered.
โข The pupil activity codes support teachers in providing pupils with specific activities, meaning pupils can access resources and content suitable for their individual ability and needs.
โข The pupil activity packs are available across Key Stage 1 and 2. Key Stage 1 pupils learn how to apply the skills they learn in the tutorials to their own work. Key Stage 2 pupils apply and develop the skills they learn in the tutorials into their own projects, independently improving and evaluating their work.
โข The video tutorials are compatible with Google Chromeโs Live Caption tool.
Impact of our Computing Curriculum
Pupils will leave St Alphonsus’ following a successful study of our Computing Curriculum:
โข Ready to competently and confidently use technology in their lives as children and beyond, as they move into the world of work.
โข Responsible with their actions online and know how to keep themselves and others safe.
โข Respectfully understand and appreciate the impact computing and technology has on themย personally and the world around them, both positive and negative.
Useful Information